Epochal Recipes
Epochal Espresso
1.5 oz Epochal cognac, 1 oz coffee liquer (Kahlua), Freshly brewed coffee, Whipped cream or coffee bean garnish
Yak & Coke
4 oz Epochal Cognac, 4 oz Cola
1 oz Epochal cognac, ½ oz Cucumber liquer, ½ oz Simple Syrup, Fresh Lemon juice, Champagne, Fresh Cucumber garnish
4 oz Epochal cognac, 2 oz fresh lemon juice, 1 oz simple syrup, 2 oz pineapple juice, 6 oz champagne, Lemon slices and fresh pineapple chunks for garnish
Fat Pour Epochal cognac
Cranberry Yak Classic
2 oz Epochal cognac, 4 oz Cranberry juice
French Quarter
2oz Epochal cognac, ½ oz absinthe, 1 sugar cube, 2 dashes bitters
French 75
1 oz Epochal cognac. ½ oz Simple syrup, ½ oz Fresh lemon juice, Champagne
The Kapone
1 1/2 oz Epochal cognac, 2 Teaspoons simple syrup, 2 dashes bitters, 1 Teaspoon water, Fresh orange slice and Cherry for garnish
Hot Toddy
1.5 oz Epochal cognac, 1 Tablespoon honey, 6 oz hot tea, Lemon slice
Golden Hour
2 oz Epochal cognac, 1 oz Cointreau (orange liquer), 1 oz Fresh lemon juice
Cognac & Lemonade
1.5 oz Epochal cognac, 3 oz Fresh lemonade, Lemon slice garnish